Chickpalooza! Baby Chicks Arrive At Bay Hay

It’s Chickpalooza at Bay Hay and Feed on Bainbridge Island! The first of the baby chicks arrived on February 13th. Currently (as of this publication date) they have White Leghorns, Black Sex Links, Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, Silver Wyandottes, and Partridge Rocks.

On Wednesday, March 6th, Black Australorps and more Ameraucanas will arrive.
A special delivery of the much-coveted Cuckoo Marans and
Iowa Blues will arrive on March 15th!
Quite an exciting variety of chicks to choose from this year!

If you’d like to know which chicks are in stock, stop by the
feed counter at Bay Hay and feed (main building)...there’s a
chalkboard behind the register that lists all available chicks
and the prices. The board is updated on a regular basis.
Also, sign-up sheets are posted (just below the register) for
ducks, turkeys, and bantams.

The Baby Chicks Are Coming!!!

Yes, it's that time of year again...Hooraaay!! Baby chicks are scheduled to be at Bay Hay & Feed on February 13th. Whether you're adding chicks to your flock or are a complete newbie, be sure to check out the Baby Chicks class that the folks at Bay Hay & Feed are offering. The class will be held on Saturday, February 2nd (at Bay Hay), 10:00-11:30 AM, and will be lead by Howard Block. Cost is $8 and proceeds will go to Washington State Smile Partners. Contact Bay Hay & Feed to reserve your spot: 206-842-2813!
More info here:

Keeping It Clean

Proper coop and equipment maintenance is essential  to keeping healthy chickens. Developing a routine will help streamline the process.
Disinfect feeders and water dispensers and housing regularly. Keeping your coop dry is very important...and not always an easy task in the PNW.  Make an effort to  remove old or contaminated feed, soiled or wet bedding (straw, wood shavings, etc.), and manure  on a daily basis. If you are going to use a cleaning agent for the “heavy duty” cleaning of your coop, make sure it’s suitable to be used around animals. Be sure to let everything dry thoroughly before replacing bedding or feed and allowing your chickens to return to the coop.
Inspect housing regularly for cracks or openings that can leave your coop vulnerable to rodents and moisture from leaks. The dryer the coop, the better. Moist environments make ideal conditions for parasites, bacteria, and viruses.
Consider storing feed in metal containers with tight-fitting lids. This will help keep the feed dry and also keep rodents out. Store the feed in a dry place, out of direct sunlight.

Happy Fall!!
The latest edition of the Island Coop Scoop is now available to subscribers.

Got Tickets??

Just a few days left to get your tickets for the Bainbridge Island Tour de Coop!! The Tour is on Saturday, July 21st, 11AM-4PM. Tickets can be purchased at Classic Cycle, Dana's Showhouse, and Bay Hay and Feed...all on Bainbridge Island. More info HERE

Our next issue of the Island Coop Scoop will be out in just a few days. Keep an eye out for our "Giveaway" in celebration of our 1 year anniversary!! You're gonna love it!!
Hooraay!! It's almost time for the annual Bainbridge Island Tour de Coop!!
This year's Tour will be on Saturday, July 21, 2012.
Tickets go on sale July 7th! Get yours at Classic Cycle, Bay Hay and Feed, or Dana's Showhouse.
Visit the Bainbridge Island Tour de Coop's page HERE for more info.

The latest edition of the Island Coop Scoop newsletter is now available! If you've haven't subscribed yet, you can do so HERE.

Looking for something fun to do this week??
Don't Miss The Next WSU Kitsap Small Farms Team Farm Walk.
Wednesday (tomorrow!!), May 30th, from 6-8 PM, at the IOS Ranch on Bainbridge Island.

Cost is $10 per person or $15 per family. Pre-registration
is requested. You can register online at or for more information on the farm walk please contact Shannon Harkness at or Diane Fish at or by phone at 360-337-7026.