Chickpalooza! Baby Chicks Arrive At Bay Hay

It’s Chickpalooza at Bay Hay and Feed on Bainbridge Island! The first of the baby chicks arrived on February 13th. Currently (as of this publication date) they have White Leghorns, Black Sex Links, Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, Silver Wyandottes, and Partridge Rocks.

On Wednesday, March 6th, Black Australorps and more Ameraucanas will arrive.
A special delivery of the much-coveted Cuckoo Marans and
Iowa Blues will arrive on March 15th!
Quite an exciting variety of chicks to choose from this year!

If you’d like to know which chicks are in stock, stop by the
feed counter at Bay Hay and feed (main building)...there’s a
chalkboard behind the register that lists all available chicks
and the prices. The board is updated on a regular basis.
Also, sign-up sheets are posted (just below the register) for
ducks, turkeys, and bantams.